Wednesday 13 July 2016

Briefly to the point...

I've not added to my blog in over a week, been snowed under, distracted, harassed, driven barmy, the usual week when it's life in the bus lane!

I will be back on full flight next week all going well...

In the meantime here's a little gem to make even the most dubious of cooks out there feel better about how they nourish their offspring....

Do any of you have a phone with a message alert that goes, "PIIIIINNG!!!"  ??
That's the sound mine makes when I get a text.
It went off earlier, and without skipping a beat or looking up from his comic, my four year old says , "That sound means the food is ready mummy..."
I will take THAT remark as a sign that  my microwave needs a day off ...😳

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